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The Pro Audio Suite

A must listen Podcast if you're in audio or voice over. Our panel features industry professionals, George 'The Tech' Whittam, Robert 'Source Connect' Marshall, Andrew 'Realtime Casting' Peters and Darren 'Voodoo Sound' Robertson, plus special guests.

Each week we dive into topics that will resonate with Professionals and home studio owner alike...

Feb 21, 2022

John Davenport (a regular listener to the show) got in touch with us and posed a question that's well worth considering the next time you are upgrading your studio...

A big shout out t our sponsors Tri Booth. As a part of their generous support of our show, they're offering $200 off a brand new booth when you use the...

Feb 14, 2022

What started out as a discussion about the best way to format your audition, became a bit of an insight into how the other end approach Auditioning the Auditions. 

What makes the studio or casting director turn off? What might be the technical differences between getting and NOT getting the job, even if you DO have the...

Feb 7, 2022

You spend a small fortune on your mic and your pre, but what about that piece of shielded metal that connects the two. Does the price make a difference? Is making your own necessarily better than buying one? If you buy one what should you look for?

This weeks show deep dives into the world of cables, hopefully, we shed...