Apr 24, 2023
The war has officially begun. The first casualties of the VO AI war have occurred, and it's not Audio Books...
Keep an ear out, as we will be launching it shortly with a limited run of 100, and a fairly juicy prize for one lucky VO artist who opts in!
A big shout out to our sponsors, Austrian Audio and Tri Booth. Both...
Apr 17, 2023
SSL has released a firmware upgrade for the popular SSL 2 & 2+ interfaces, but as George is installing the upgrade on AP's machine we make a discovery that is worth sharing.
We've created a survey so you can leave your mark on what will be a one-of-a-kind mic interface designed specifically for Voice Artists. We're...
Apr 10, 2023
OK, it's here... Go get it!
Conceived during the recording of an episode of the Pro Audio Suite, inspired by your feedback, and argued about, sweated over, and tinkered with by 4 VO industry vets and one Studio gear creator, the PASport VO is now a reality! And you can order yours NOW!
We have a limited run of 100 that...
Apr 3, 2023
VO Atlanta has wrapped up again for another year, and George was there wearing THREE hats, representing George the Tech, Tri Booth, AND The Pro Audio Suites' new interface, the PASport VO. Built by Centrance, but conceptualized by The Pro Audio Suite and YOU. It's the first-ever interface designed exclusively for...